Tuesday, September 22, 2009

tale of an empty shampoo bottle. it's ok to laugh. you should laugh.

i really wanted a more glorious follow-up post to my post about posting... but for now i'm just working on working and allowing for "do-overs" on days that don't exactly work out.

however,  in the meantime, owen peed perfectly in an empty shampoo bottle in the bathtub.  this i learned as he shouted from the bathroom down the stairs "MOOOMMM! I PEED IN A BOTTLE AND NANA POURED IT IN THE TOILET!".  so no i didn't witness it firsthand.  my dear mom was giving him a bath t--apparently the water was draining down and owen had been pouring water in and out of the bottle singing a dinosaur-ish water-ish song and then the bottle went under the water and owen stared point blank at her and then with the other hand signed "i P-E-E-D" and pointed.  she said it was actually quite impressive how he pointed his peeper right in the bottle and filled it up.  luckily my mom is super nana and had the quick reflexes to grab the bottle and pour the pee in the toilet--where we all agreed it belonged in the first place (i think this is when the above shout-out happened).  i didn't even try not to laugh.

1 comment:

Pajama Dren said...

Wow! Someone's pretty talented.