Tuesday, July 28, 2009


is the best time to go to the park. . . especially in late july when the ice cream doesn't quite melt as quickly and dusk is just under your breath. we've lately discovered the joys of having dinner al fresco swing-side and today when we met bridget & crew we figured out why it was so blissful. on tuesday when owen and i walked up to the chaparral park with sierra we sat up in the playhouse with the dog and watched while the bunnies carefully came out of the honeysuckle bushes and ate strawberries. then, raced the moon home in time to take a long bath, read a few pages from moominpapa at sea and fall asleep. rather, sierra and owen slept soundly while i had two full hours of a quiet, content house before crashing out myself. but tonight it was apparent the rest of the neighborhood had caught on--and we didn't have the run of the playground. however, it was a 5:00 park crowd which is worlds differnt than the daytime park politics. the nannies have gone home for the day. the mom playgroups have disbanded. the sand kings have put away their spades. at 5:00 playground time is pure indulgence; it's the after hours crowd.

owen asked me on tuesday if we could have an after dinner park walk again. i answered: yes, tomorrow and tomorrow and the next tomorrow after that. tonight we found wednesday again right here in the ranch.

zipidee do horse

Monday, July 27, 2009

lesson 3

ok, not really a lesson--but i think we could post some of these on our pier! seems a bit more intense with the finish, no?
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sign language lesson 2

"look mom: no smoking bottles on the train!"
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signs from helsinki: lesson 1

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nothing sweeter than "pie"

i was looking for the recipe for the blueberry-peach cobbler i made on saturday and knew i had posted it on adventurefidfam as it's definitely a late summer ritual around here--i not only found the recipe but this video of o&w. if you're looking for an aaaaaaawww moment it's even sweeter than the recipe (click on the pic):

Sunday, July 26, 2009

thinking like dorothy

i'm sitting at the computer while owen sets up his airplanes in their gates trying to get a start on "week two" but it does seem terribly blah with michael gone. i'm not sure if taking the next exit home so i could hit the drive thru starbucks counts as staying healthy and frugal but after a 6 am airport run sometimes you gotta make sacrifices. owen awoke to some chocolate milk which helped the panic of not seeing daddy in the car. . .

so week two. i think i'll start by unpacking--yup, i've still got my toothpaste in a quart ziplock bag on the bathroom counter-- and getting re-settled back home. now that owen's got his own big boy bed and i'm not doing a mad commute i'm going to commit to at least an hour a night of dissertation work--which right now i'm hoping just to get the momentum and the habit going and by the time michael returns home i'll keep up with the "project plan" he's made so i can walk this spring and then everyone can call me dr. cara. hehe. i'm thinking for every article i read i get to work on a couple pages of our photobook (i uploaded no less than 1900 pictures to shutterfly!). anyway, there's no place like home there's no place like home. . .

Saturday, July 25, 2009

week one coming to a conclusion

while we're missing our fika pink smoothies and chocolate balls we've made do with our own owen ("i am the orange master"")orange smoothies and trader joe's chocolate croissants with our best friends. these and other quieter moments despite michael's departure tomorrow and the overall california budget crisis have made being home a good thing. a few more good things:

2 adult zoo passes $84 + 1 koala kids membership $23= lots more san diego days with sal, jenn & lily!

hanging out with sierra dog:

sorting trains, cars and trucks by color on our NEW BiG boy bed!


sticking to our menu for the week and finding new recipes (we'll see how this challenge holds once michael leaves and no one else is doing dishes). here's the pic (and yes, that's a glow-in-the-dark lizard at our table) of the watercress, endive and grilled peach salad which we made successfully with our panini press--first we "grilled" the peaches and then used the carmelized sweet buttery residue to "grill" some halibut. i used trader joe's micro greens instead of watercress which is loaded with lots of vitamin a and other good nutrients. tasty!

and finally, reading (and sleeping) on our own couch:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

55 miles

so i thought i'd check out the metro options for some friends coming into lax next weekend since we're fairly close to the mission viejo metrolink station and thought it might be a fun, easy adventure. this is the route suggested:

Transit directions to Mission Viejo, CA
Los Angeles Airport
Travel time: about 9 hours 16 minsShowing Trip 1
Walk to Sepulveda / Century
About 15 mins
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Bus - 232 - Metro Local Line - Direction: 232 Long Beach Transit Mall
Service run by Metro Los Angeles
9:37pmDepart Sepulveda / Century

6 mins
9:43pmArrive Mariposa / Nash Station

Light rail - Metro Green Line (803) - Direction: Norwalk Station
18 mins to make transfer
10:01pmDepart Mariposa Station

28 mins
10:29pmArrive Norwalk Station

Bus - 460 - Metro Express Line - Direction: 460 Disneyland
22 mins to make transfer
10:51pmDepart Norwalk Green Line Station

1 hour 1 min
11:52pmArrive Disneyland

Bus - 83 - Anaheim - Laguna Hills - Direction: Laguna Hills Trans Ctr Dock 6
5 hours 6 mins to make transfer
Service run by Orange County Transportation Authority - 714-560-OCTA
4:58amDepart Harbor-East Shuttle Area

51 mins
5:49amArrive Calle De La Plata-Paseo De Valencia

Bus - 87 - Laguna Niguel - Rancho Santa Margarita - Direction: Avd Empresa-Aventura
28 mins to make transfer
6:17amDepart Paseo De Valencia-Calle De La Plata

19 mins
6:36amArrive Alicia-Marguerite

Walk to Mission Viejo, CA
About 1 min
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Mission Viejo, CA